Quick Action By Dr. Michael Murphy Saves A Man’s Life

Dr. Michael Murphy of Mount Auburn Hospital and Matthew O’Connell.

Dr. Michael Murphy of Mount Auburn Hospital and Matthew

It was a normal day on May 22 for both Michael Murphy, MD, Emergency Medicine at Mount Auburn Hospital, and Matthew O’Connell, 54, both of Winthrop and driving through East Boston to their respective appointments. Dr. Murphy noticed a car cutting a few people off, including himself, and thought, “just another Boston driver.” But when he noticed that same car come to a slow stop on the shoulder without using its brake lights, his emergency care intuition kicked in – something wasn’t right.

When Dr. Murphy rushed over to the car, he found O’Connell passed out and clearly in cardiac arrest – he quickly called 911 and started performing basic CPR and chest compressions – actions that saved this loving father’s life! O’Connell is forever grateful for Dr. Murphy’s quick instincts and efforts, claiming he “was a dead man if it weren’t for him”. This was O’Connell’s 3rd heart attack, but his first with zero warning signs and his first resulting in him blacking out – his last memory from the day was simply getting in his car and pulling out of the driveway. He is grateful to be alive and that there were no injuries caused to others from his reckless driving. By the time he arrived at the hospital, one of his arteries was 100% clogged and another 60%… he needed immediate surgery. And as for Dr. Murphy – he still managed to make it to his appointment… early for that matter. And as for O’Connell – he is grateful to be alive and Father’s Day this year was his “{best one yet”.

After a few weeks of efforts to track down the humble man who saved his life, O’Connell was able to meet Dr. Murphy yesterday at Mount Auburn Hospital, and thank him in person! Attached are the photos from yesterday. Please let me know if you would like any other information.

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